Saturday, February 23, 2013

Long Weekend

We enjoyed our long weekend with family and friends.  Abby spent the night with Zoe on Thursday night.

Mom, Dad, Charity, and Judd came to see us Friday.  All the kids love to wrestle Dad. 
 It looks painful to me.

But I think he loves it as much as the kids.

Mom and Dad took Hadley and Hayden home with them and we kept Judd for a couple of nights.  He did great. 
Saturday night we hung out at the Hodges while Mark and Michelle went to a concert with some friends.

When I told Brewer and Bomber to hug Judd for a picture they both tried to kiss him.  He wasn't real sure about it!

We all snuggled up in bed and watched a movie, then they all fell asleep. Mark carried Judd back to our house and I carried Cole.  They didn't even wake up.

Judd went to church with us Sunday and then headed home.It was a nice weekend!


We were excited to see a little snow this year.  Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to keep Zoe home from school.  She was a little disappointed.  This was before she went to school and the snow was coming down.  This was also the amount of snow on the ground when I saw Bomber trying to make snow angels while waiting for the bus!
 We ended up getting about 3 inches.  Cole loved playing with his trains in the snow.

He also loved throwing snowballs at me.  Notice the look on his face!

 By the time Zoe got home from school it was just a slushy mess.

Valentine's Day Fun

I spent Valentine's Day at 3 parties!  It's not for everyone, but I'm thrilled that I get to stay home and attend all of them!    

 We played and had ice cream at Zoe's party. She has a good group of kids in her class.
She also has a sweet, fun teacher, Mrs. Eicher.

 She gave the kids these mustaches.  Zoe came up to me during the party and said, "Do I look like Uncle Charlie?" Then she went into a "Pay the Rent" skit that he taught her!

Cole and I also went to Bomber's kindergarten party. 
They really enjoyed the icing on the cupcakes. 

After we left Bomber's party we went to see Hayden for a few minutes. 
I loved seeing her with her class.  She was so sweet. 
She really looked at all the Valentines her classmates gave her and thanked them.  I could tell  it made them feel good when she told them how much she liked what they gave her. 

 She also let Cole go through her box first and pick out what he wanted.  She's a doll. 

Brad brought all of us home our favorite treats and I also got Valentines from Zoe and Cole. 

Zoe's card was to Brad and I and it said:
Thank you for teaching me how to love others.  You are so great to me and Cole.  Some day I want to be just like you.  I LOVE you so much.  I hope you have a great Valentine's Day!

I was really feeling the love this Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Great Weekend

Last Friday the kids and I headed to Seneca.  I spent the night with them Friday night and came home Saturday to go on a hot date with Brad.  Then Brad and I went back Sunday to get the kids.

 Zoe loves seeing her dog and of course we love seeing family and friends.  I realize it is insane, but I can't help it.  I can't get enough of Mom, Dad, and the kids.  I get giddy when I see them.

And I love watching Cole and Zoe with them.
Steph came by for a few minutes and Lisa brought Addie, Mallorie, and Marleigh over to see Zoe. Jolie came along too.  They did makeovers on each other! 

 Dad read a book to Jolie.  I'm not sure who enjoyed it more.  This picture was taken right before Jolie did a face plant into the doorframe in the hallway.  She gave us all a huge scare. 
Saturday night Brad and I went to a Catoosa Chamber of Commerce event that Brad had worked hard helping plan for months.  His Uncle Gary, a former OSU baseball coach, and Eddie Sutton, former OSU basketball coach, spoke.  They had an auction and great food.  It was a fun night.

Several of Brad's family came.  I am super blessed to have amazing inlaws.  I love them.  Especially this lady, Brad's mom.
 Pat and Eldon, Mick, and Tony came.  The guy in the middle is one of Gary's sons, Roger.  He brought his high school daughter, Taylor with him.  Also Brad's Aunt Margie came to see her brother speak and Gary's wife of 55 years, Cathy, was there.

 The speeches were entertaining and even though Brad was super busy, I think he had a good time too!


Sharing the Love at the Sterling House

This morning we went to visit our grandma and grandpa friends at the Sterling House. 
We talked with them for a few minutes and then handed out the Valentines we made for them last week.


The kids were really sweet with them (I think they are feeling more comfortable there). 

And the residents are so adorable! This lady got the Valentine that Jolie made last week. Jolie, age 2, loved the foam stickers and stacked a whole bunch on top of each other.  In a sweet voice, this lady said, "I think I can fix this a little and it will look good hanging on my wall." 

Zoe's fourth grade class made some cards too.  

We handed them out and as we made our second round, some of the residents gave the kids a Valentine...the ones we gave them the first round!
 I love taking Hadley.  All the residents adore her.  They say she is like a little doll and they love her hair, and many ask to hold her.

 The residents shared Ring Pops with the kids.  YUM!

 They sang "You Are My Sunshine" to us, and we sang "Jesus Loves Me" to them.

Brewer was telling Cole secrets.  I'm not sure what that was all about.

At one point Brewer got a little close with his "secret telling" and touched his lips to Cole's cheek.  A couple of the lady residents thought it was adorable and said, "Aww, they love each other!"  Cole just wiped his cheek and said, "Brewer's lips are sticky."

To end our time there, Liz played some music on her phone and the kids danced. 
Cal impressed us with some mad break dance moves. 
 Most of the residents weren't sure what to think about that!

Cole and Brewer sat by the front door, eating their Ring Pops while the others danced.
 We tried to get a group picture before we left, but it was hard to get our group and the residents to cooperate!

 I always love going to the Sterling House.  The people there are so sweet and I always leave laughing!