Saturday, November 30, 2013

Getting Ready for 5

We are going to Nana and Papa's house tomorrow for Thanksgiving and will also celebrate Cole's birthday with the kids.

Cole really wanted to help with the planning of the party.  He packed all the goody bags first.

Then he helped Zoe and I make the cake.

I asked him if he would just stay 4, but he wasn't interested.


We woke up Thanksgiving morning to letters that Zoe had written.  I loved the sweet note she wrote to us...
But the one she wrote to Cole was my favorite.  Warms my heart!

Each Thanksgiving we head to Ramona, Oklahoma for Thanksgiving with the Wards.  This is really the only time of year we see Brad's dad's family.
  I love it that Pat and Eldon come each year too.

We eat at the school cafeteria with everyone and then several of us go to Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Eddie's farm.

I'm really blessed that Brad has such and amazing and fun family! 

Cole was actually pretty friendly to everyone!

He was giving Uncle Gary a hard time though.

The kids found some railroad tracks nearby and we let them be adventurous and run on them for a few minutes. 

Cole and Sydney, our little blonde cuties, played great together.We jumped in the car and headed out.

Brad took us by the house where his dad grew up. 
 I loved hearing him tell the kids stories about fun times he spent visiting that farm.
We got to Uncle Eddie's and Aunt Dorothy's house and barely saw the kids after that!

They had a blast playing outside.

Every once in a while they would run inside for a snack, but didn't stay long.

As we were getting ready to leave, Cole said, "Take a picture of me here...I want to remember this place forever!"
It really was a great day!


Thanksgiving break Judd and Charity came to Owasso and spent the night.

They skipped school and we all went over to watch Zoe play volleyball against the teachers. 

I think she loved it that we were there, but she never actually got her hands on the ball.

We checked the kids out a little early and hung out at Bud and Michelle's house.

Zoe just wants to snuggle and love on Nana for about the first 30 minutes that they are together.

Then Nana went home with Hayden and Charity and Judd spent the night.  The girls played dress up for a little while.

Then Charity and I took Zoe to her last dance class at Rhythmic Notions. She starts at the Claremore dance studio next month.

Charity and I watched some and hung out in the car some too.

Charity cheered for Zoe through the glass.  It was adorable.
When we got home the boys were playing the Kindles in the Thomas tent.

Then Zoe helped Char with her make up work from school.
Cole and Judd relaxed and watched TV.

As long as the boys had electronics they were pretty calm!

Then all four kids wrote notes to each other and passed them around.

Judd's note was my favorite!

On Wednesday we took the kids back to Seneca. 
 Cole and Papa played dominoes and ate oatmeal pies.

Nana and Zoe looked for great Christmas gifts online.

Boston came over and all three boys hung out on the couch for a while.

They are too cute!