We were so excited on Wednesday knowing that Mom, Dad, Blake, and Judd were coming back. Charity made signs and practiced with her pom pons. She actually had a whole dance routine for us to do, but she got so excited we didn't do it. Brad kept asking if he could be be on top of the pyramid. Charity said no and that he was holding a sign in the middle. I told Brad that the squad members with the least talent had to hold the signs.

Their flight wasn't scheduled to arrive until 9:25 at night so we had all day to wait. It was great just to know they were in the U.S. though and to get to talk to them on the phone. We hadn't got to talk to them in 9 days and only got a few emails.

Mark and Michelle went out to dinner so I was babysitting. Tiffany and Micah didn't even have kids with them and for some crazy reason came by early to hang out with me and 7 kids. They actually seemed to be entertained.

We were so excited to see them when they got off the plane. Judd didn't seem overwhelmed or shy. It was so cute because you could tell him and Blake had really bonded. Blake stayed in the boys room at the orphanage with Judd the entire time. Mom says he wasn't ready to come home. He had made several new friends. I love hearing him talk about Taiwan. I can tell it was a real eye opener for him.
Charity was happy to have her family back.
Aunt Cindy gave all the kids dollars for the vending machine.
Cole just wanted his Papa.
Charity made the signs. I get the "Welcome Home" I think the "Love Mom", just means that she loves her mom.
At one point in all the chaos Cole looked up and said, "Nana, I'm here!" Almost like he couldn't believe he wasn't the first one Nana grabbed.

The kids and I loaded up and went home with Mom, Dad, Blake, Charity, and Judd. We stayed a few nights and Brad met us on Saturday when we celebrated Christmas. As soon as we got in the car Mom introduced Judd to sweet tea. He loved it.

About half way to Seneca, Blake was being pretty obnoxious in the back seat. Charity very calmly told her mom, "We've gotta stop getting brothers." I laughed so hard I was crying.

It was late when we got to Seneca, but Judd loved seeing his room. He kept saying "Wow!"
He put on some new jammies and headed off to bed. He slept with Blake his first couple of nights.

We are so glad to finally have Judd here!