Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cole's Last Game

Lindsay and Liz took pictures of our team before the game started.  
That looked liked a challenging job.  My favorite part was when Lindsay asked them to hold up the number one and Grayson held up a 3.  Bud said Grayson was probably thinking that he knew of at least 2 other teams that were better than us.
When I put Cole's jersey on this morning he said, "I like playing for the Blueberry team".  I guess that's what him and Grayson call it.

Before the game started they had to turn their jerseys to the white side and then Cole was done.
He said he didn't want to play.

When I asked why he didn't want to play, he got really sad and said, "Because I"m white."

It's hard to "make" a 3 year old play and frankly it just wasn't that important to me, so he watched the game.  He still got a snack.  Brad didn't agree with that, but the nice lady (as Cole called her) gave him one anyway.  He told me he got a snack because his friends played for him.

Zoe went with Michelle and hung out with her all afternoon.  Brad, Cole, and I went to Catoosa (the town where Brad works).  

We went to the Nuthouse.  It was a really cute gift shop.

Cole picked out a treat and we got Zoe something too.
Then we picked up some fruits and vegetables at a produce stand and drove around a while.  It was a nice day.

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