Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Happy Birthday to the Other Love of My Life!

No, we're not actually married, but we are as close as two people can be.
 I grew up with Stephanie.  Our backyards touched growing up.  From the time she was one and I was two, we have been best friends.
 I remember when we were younger, someone asked Steph if she wished she had a sister.  She answered, "No, because I wouldn't love her as much as Marcy."  We are basically family...maybe closer.
We've seen each other through every major event in our lives.  When we were little, and couldn't go to each other's house, we would meet at a pole where our yards touch.  We would watch Mark play football (against himself) while we cheered.  We made him be the Chiefs because we only knew "Indian" cheers.  When we played school I was always the teacher (I was bossy), but when I sent Mark and Steph out for recess they never came back!  When Cody came along we babied him so much!
 We've even remained friends through all our awkward years!
We've prayed together at even a young age.  When we were little and all the way through college, when we spent the night together (which was very often) we would talk forever, then one of us would say, "Now I'm going to say my prayer".  We would each say our own prayer silently then say, "I'm done" and continue talking!  She has made me a stronger Christian.  She is still such an amazing example of a woman of faith.
She makes me laugh hysterically.  We have the best times when we're together.  My very best memories include her.  I can tell her anything and call her when I'm at my worst.  She knows every single thing about me and loves me anyway.  
 We celebrate with each other and cry together.  Believe me we've had our share of both.  
Other than my immediate family, she is the only person that I have shared every step of my life.  Every part of growing up.

In college, when I told her I was getting married, she decided to move in with me and Chantel.  We had always wanted to live together and she didn't want to miss her chance.  When she did, she just moved into my room in our apartment.  She didn't even bring a bed!  We just slept together for a few months.  I already knew about her quirky sleep talking and she knew how to handle my snoring, so why not?
We've been through the worst of times together.  Deaths, miscarriages and infertility, and stupid cancer...just to name a few.  I have cried for her when she has no tears left and she has done the same for me.  

We've been in the delivery room with each other during our childbirths and if I could've went to Taiwan with her, I would have.  She loves my kiddos like family, and I adore hers.

And whether they like it or not, our kids will be like family too!

 I admire Stephanie for her amazing relationship with God, family, and friends.  I love her for her willingness to drop what she's doing to listen and help and pray.  Without her, I'm not my full self.  
Happy 35th Steph.  I love you!

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