Monday, April 18, 2011

What Would We Do Without Him?

Sometimes (okay, almost all the time) I look at Cole and think about how he wasn't suppose to be here. I remember telling Brad in disbelief that I was pregnant and Brad just staring at me reminding me that the doctors said we wouldn't be able to have a baby after chemo.
I know I've said it before but I'm so glad God is in control and not doctors.
I honestly can't imagine our lives without Cole. We are so blessed, all of us, to have him here.
He exhausts me daily, but I laugh constantly. I smile at him even when he's being naughty, because he's so stinkin' cute.
He loves cheese and MnMs, even at the same time. He can't get enough of cars and playing outside.

He loves playing rough with Daddy and Papa, which I think is adorable.

He loves to listen to books and talk to you about them over and over.

I think we would all agree... he's got us all wrapped.


  1. I adore him. I really, really miss him. I mean, I miss you, too... but... I really, really miss him. I hope he comes to visit us this week. I think your brother might be the MOST wrapped. It's ridiculous. I think Cole might be his favorite relative. No offense.

  2. awwwww, we consider ourselves blessed to know this little guy, and the rest of his family too :)
