Justin came to Seneca Elementary part way through his kindergarten year. He was one of the angriest little guys I had ever seen. He hated everyone and everything and didn't mind telling you about it. I fell in love with him immediately and introduced him to my mom and dad. That was 14 years ago.

Many of you know the rest of the story. My parents adopted him through foster care. We never even met his biological parents, but we have learned a lot about them. I'm a person who easily forgives, but I've had to pray a lot about his parents. The damage they did to him from the time he was in the womb, until he was taken from them at age 5 is unrepairable. He has dealt with so much and still has to make a conscious effort every day to fight those evils.

This January 15th he will turn 20. We aren't sure what his adult life will be like. We desperately want him to live life to his fullest, but still unsure what he can handle. When you think of Justin or our family, pray for him right then, at that moment. We love him so much. Happy Birthday Just!
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