Zoe went to a sleepover birthday party for Faith, so me and my boys went hiking.

We love the trails at RSU. Cole turns into some sort of survival expert when he's out there.

He looks for animals and tries to track their footprints.
He carries a stick in case he needs to kill a bear. He apologized to me in advance, letting me know that it could get bloody.

I told Brad that it was 74 degrees (which it really was earlier in the day). It was closer to 50 when we got there. The wind was pretty cold!

We saw several deer. They were beautiful.
Cole found some deer tracks and then we saw another deer!

He found this awesome rock and some other treasures, as he called them.

He got tired of walking on the way back to the car so he got a ride on Brad's shoulders and my back.
He also had some good survival advice in case you ever find yourself lost in the woods.
It was a great Valentine's Day!
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