Charity had her first volleyball game today. Zoe put together a goodie bag for her full of things she had made. She also gave her a gift which consisted of candy, a bouncy ball, and a pair of Nike shorts that she didn't want anymore.

She also made signs to hold up for her at the game. Charity loved it and gave Zoe and and the rest of us thumbs up a few times during the game.

Addie is on her team and several other really sweet girls. Her coaches are very nice too!
Hunter, Tiffany, Micah, and Aunt Sue came to watch her too.

She actually tried really hard. She stuck with it and paid attention. When it was her turn to serve the first time she looked at the crowd before she served and announced, "I've been practicing this at home." It didn't get over the net but the whole crowd cheered (even the other team).

We're really proud of you Charity. Good job today!
That's awesome! I'm sad we missed it!