They went to the end of the sidewalk and then Brewer wanted to go "investigate". Cole tried to warn him that there may be pirates, but Brewer made Cole feel better by telling him if they saw any he would punch them in the face.
They walked for a little while until I yelled and told them to come back because it was just someone else's backyard. Then, Brewer yelled, "Run Cole, before they call the cops!"
They investigated a little more until Brewer said there may be snakes and then Cole announced, "I'm outta here!".jpg)
One other afternoon we took Hadley with us and went around the loop..jpg)

As I was watering the flowers, I made the mistake of laying the hose down. Brewer grabbed it and soaked us all. 

Cole and I have enjoyed some time at the park too.
The fact that he LOVES to get dirty, but HATES taking a bath is becoming a problem.
One of our favorite activities is going to the nature trails for a walk in the woods.
Bike riding to the fish pond at the entrance of our neighborhood still seems to be the boys' favorite thing to do though.
Brewer likes to make wishes. Here he's wishing that Cole could have a hundred and thousand sleepovers with him.

Cole only agrees to sleepover if I go with him.
They looked at this puddle for a long time after I told them, "If you jump in that water, we'll have to go home." Cole admitted that he was thinking about doing it anyway. They both chose not to jump in, I was kind of surprised.

And I would like to say that Cole enjoyed playing tball this year...but this is all he did at the practices.

I am glad the weather is getting warmer though and we can do lots of fun things outside!
So enjoyed your new posts. The kids are changing so fast....enjoy the summer.