Last Sunday we loaded up and met Nana at Big Cabin to take Zoe and Cole for a couple of nights. Cole, of course, had to select some books to read with Papa.

Brad took Monday off so we enjoyed 2 nights by ourselves! Sunday we went to a movie and out to eat. I love hanging out with this guy!
Monday night we went to Fuji, a sushi restaurant in Tulsa, to learn how to make sushi!

It was so much fun and really tasty.

Nana sent pictures of Cole bonding with Uncle Jimbo. Mom thought it was so adorable that Cole liked him, because my Uncle can be a little gruff and Cole doesn't like very many people.
Cole tends to like people who don't seem to give a flip about what other people think of them.
Zoe and Papa bonded too. He taught her how to whittle and play dominoes.
Despite her efforts, I don't think Papa bonded with Benny.
Tuesday, Lindsay and Grayson rode with me to Seneca to get Cole. We toured Seneca and played at the park.
I thought it might be easier to get Cole to leave since Grayson was with me, but instead Grayson wanted to stay at Nana's too!
Zoe decided to stay longer. She spent the night with Taya Tuesday night and went swimming at Aunt Patty's on Wednesday. I was missing her so much that I couldn't stand it, so I went back on Thursday.
I took Hayden and Bomber with me. We met Diane and Paula at Macalister's to eat. Diane brought Tripp, Taya, Hadley, and Bailey.
(This picture cracks me up because, even though I never heard Mom getting onto Charity, the look on Char's face makes me think she might be in trouble!)

We were still crazy enough to take them all to the movies to see Turbo after we ate! It actually went pretty well and they seemed to enjoy the movie. This is the group picture I tried to take. Two of our kids don't really like groups or everyone trying to convince them to take pictures.

So I got a picture of Cole...

and Hadley separately!
Cole fell asleep on the ride home! I thought Mom and Diane probably needed a nap too, but I doubt they got one!

We all stayed at Nan and Pop's house. The kids get to do all their favorite things there. Listen to Papa read,
Snuggle with Nana,

Play outside and get as dirty as they want and only take "foot baths" instead of real baths.
Help Nana cook and eat awesome food,

Play games,

and learn new things. Papa taught Zoe and Cole how to play dominoes.
Cole really got the hang of it!

Just another reason he's my little old man!

The best part is that they always have someone to play with while they're there!

Mom and I took the kids to the Seneca pool for a little while on Friday. They loved jumping and doing flips off the diving boards!
I even did a back tuck off the low dive (nobody got a picture, you'll just have to believe me). It was so thrilling, but my back is still sore! Stinks to be an old lady!

I headed home Friday evening with my 2 kids and Bomber. Hayden spent a couple more nights in Seneca and Bomber stayed one night with us.
I love being so close to family and glad we can all have fun together!