July 3rd we met Mick, Paula, Lance, and Sydney at Andolini's, here in Owasso, for some pizza and then they spent the night at our house along with Marsha, Alan, and Kerstin. Cole adores Lance and was super excited that he was spending the night.

We watched fireworks from our driveway and had a great visit. Mick, Paula, Lance, Sydney, Marsha, and Kerstin got up at 6:00 Thursday morning to run downtown. Yep...they're crazy!
After they got back and took a quick shower, we all headed to Meme and Papa Eldon's.

Linda's family came too. It was a lot of fun!

Marsha and Kerstin have 4th of July birthdays so we celebrated! Blake's birthday is the 4th too. Weird, huh?
Matt and Lexi's little girl, Layla, loved Zoe! She kept yelling her name. It was adorable!

Brad had to work on Friday, so he dropped us off in Seneca on his way home. I watched the kids so Mom and Dad could celebrate their 38th anniversary. We went to a movie and out to eat on Friday. The kids were great!

Saturday we headed to Main Street, Seneca for their annual 4th of July parade (on the 6th of July). It was a cool morning, which was nice.

The kids got some candy and even saw Papa Eldon in the Shriner's car!

After the parade, we went to Diane and Darrel's for lunch. They had a lot of family there and amazing food! In fact Charity told Diane that it was the best food party ever!
I got to hang out with Steph and her cute kids! I mean, really? Tripp couldn't be any cuter!
It was a fun week!

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