I spent Valentine's Day at 3 parties! It's not for everyone, but I'm thrilled that I get to stay home and attend all of them!
We played and had ice cream at Zoe's party. She has a good group of kids in her class.
She gave the kids these mustaches. Zoe came up to me during the party and said, "Do I look like Uncle Charlie?" Then she went into a "Pay the Rent" skit that he taught her!
After we left Bomber's party we went to see Hayden for a few minutes.
I loved seeing her with her class. She was so sweet.
She really looked at all the Valentines her classmates gave her and thanked them. I could tell it made them feel good when she told them how much she liked what they gave her.
She also let Cole go through her box first and pick out what he wanted. She's a doll.

Brad brought all of us home our favorite treats and I also got Valentines from Zoe and Cole.
Thank you for teaching me how to love others. You are so great to me and Cole. Some day I want to be just like you. I LOVE you so much. I hope you have a great Valentine's Day!
I was really feeling the love this Valentine's Day!
The boys look so different with haircuts. I hardly recognize them...cute, cute, cute...love seeing pics of all of the kids....