Cole and Brewer went on a bike ride this afternoon. They are so funny together. Mostly because they couldn't be more opposite.

Cole was intent on just riding as fast as he could. Brewer liked to stop every once in a while to look at the things around him.
Then I heard him say, "I wish to be the strongest in the world." Cole didn't say anything.
They rode a little more and then Brewer excitedly yelled, "Cole, stop!" He wanted Cole to help him look for a four leaf clover because it will bring you luck. Cole just looked at him and said, "I already have luck, pretty much." Brewer stuck one in his own pocket anyway. 
They rode to the end of the sidewalk and then pulled their bikes out of the brush and went again. I might add that Cole always insists on wearing his helmet. I'm not sure if that also says anything about his personality.
At one point they were both peeing near the little fish pond at the entry to the neighborhood. They asked if they could pee in the pond, but I told them behind the tree might be better. We came home for lunch and a little down time. I laugh all the time because these two cuties are so different, but my closest friends (Brad included) are the opposite of me. I'm hoping it will make for a long lasting friendship!
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