We woke up Thanksgiving morning to letters that Zoe had written. I loved the sweet note she wrote to us...
But the one she wrote to Cole was my favorite. Warms my heart!
Each Thanksgiving we head to Ramona, Oklahoma for Thanksgiving with the Wards. This is really the only time of year we see Brad's dad's family.

I love it that Pat and Eldon come each year too.
We eat at the school cafeteria with everyone and then several of us go to Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Eddie's farm.

I'm really blessed that Brad has such and amazing and fun family!
Cole was actually pretty friendly to everyone!

He was giving Uncle Gary a hard time though.

The kids found some railroad tracks nearby and we let them be adventurous and run on them for a few minutes.
Cole and Sydney, our little blonde cuties, played great together.

We jumped in the car and headed out.

Brad took us by the house where his dad grew up.

I loved hearing him tell the kids stories about fun times he spent visiting that farm.

We got to Uncle Eddie's and Aunt Dorothy's house and barely saw the kids after that!
They had a blast playing outside.

Every once in a while they would run inside for a snack, but didn't stay long.

As we were getting ready to leave, Cole said, "Take a picture of me here...I want to remember this place forever!"
It really was a great day!