Cole loved all his presents and had all of them out for a few days.
He used his Jenga blocks to build a wall around his village. He also had army men protecting his money!

Cole and Zoe made some crafts.

It's our favorite vacation spot!
Charity was pretty insistent on going to Del Rio so I assumed it was for the delicious Mexican food.

Cole and Judd stayed home with Pops.
Dad sang me a song he wrote about me when we moved to Owasso called "Who's Gonna Fill the Empty When You're Gone". It was so precious and made me cry. I asked him to sing it again so I could record it, but he said his "allergies" were acting up.

All 3 of us (4 counting Benny) sleep in the same bed. I like snuggling with the kids.
Tuesday night Judd and Charity came home with us and stayed the night. Cole and Judd play really well together.

Wednesday Michelle made homemade chicken and noodles so we went over to sample them!
They were delicious as you can tell from Hadley's face! She kept closing her eyes while she ate them.

After spending a couple of nights away, Cole was excited to see his dad.

Friday Mom and Dad and the kids came and watched all of our kids so Mark, Michelle, Brad, and I could go to the Cotton Bowl. That's a lot of work for them, but they don't seem to mind. We had a blast and were very appreciative! Blake decided to stay an extra night. Then it snowed so he may be here all week! I hope so! I love having him here!
He helped Brad shovel snow and has entertained Cole!

Cole said he wishes he was Blake because then he would have a real future in games. He thinks Blake is a genius when it comes to games on his ipad!
They didn't like to pose for pictures.

I hated for our break to end and now we found out school is cancelled for tomorrow! Maybe we'll get a couple more days!
I love the way your mom and dad always seem to have body contact with anyone of the kids that are within reaching distance. the love shines brightly.