After spending the day with cousins, we came home on Christmas Eve and baked cookies.

Before we went to sleep, Cole, Zoe, Brad and I read the Christmas Story from the Bible and watched a cute video on the difference between Santa and Jesus.
Then Zoe helped Cole leave Santa and his reindeer some cookies, carrots, and a nice note.

They left it on the fireplace and got ready for bed.

Cole and Zoe liked their gifts from Santa. Cole got a Kindle Fire and Zoe got a new wallet with money in it.
Cole was slightly bothered that Santa left him underwear and pajamas in his stocking. Although Santa was simply trying to be practical, Cole thinks there is a hidden meaning. He kept saying that Santa should leave candy in stockings. A week after Christmas Cole randomly announced to Brad and I, "I think I know why Santa only gave me underwear and pajamas in my's because I was only a LITTLE good."
Poor guy. Luckily, he at least liked the p.j.'s and undies even though he would have rather had candy!
It was just the four of us all day which was actually kind of nice.

The kids hung out and played with their new gifts all day. About 4:00, they got a little bored.

We decided to go watch the movie Frozen. It was a great show!
After the movie, we played in the arcade for a while and then headed home.

Cole even wore his new pajamas to bed that night!

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