Zoe was Mrs. Claus in her 2nd Grade Program yesterday. She did a wonderful job!

She was only given about 5 days to memorize about 20 lines. At first it stressed her out because she wanted to get them word for word. I tried to tell her that she didn't have to recite them exactly but I don't think she believed me. She got them all memorized though and did fantastic!

After the afternoon performance I told her to try to look more perky and just have fun. She said it's hard to have fun when you're really hot. Apparently her costume was made for "North Pole" weather and not for the Seneca Elementary gym.

She did enjoy herself though and we all had fun watching her.

Meme came to her afternoon performance.

The evening performance was even better. She seemed more relaxed and the whole show ran smoother.

Taya and Steph came to watch. Steph told us about how she was Mrs. Claus in an elementary program too! Zoe always says she's just like her Aunt Steph!
Zoe is the most beautiful Mrs. Claus I've ever seen. She's way hotter than the real Santa's wife. No wonder Cole wants to hold her hand. Duh. As Bomb would say, "Hell-oh-ees, Cut-toneys." Do you think she can be cast in this role again next year, so I can see the live performance?