I just happened to be helping at the school on Friday when the Owasso band, cheerleaders, and football players came! They paraded down the hallway. It was awesome! I went down to stand with Cole's PreK class. They weren't really sure what to think at first.

By the time they marched by the kids were clapping and high fiving the high schoolers. It was pretty adorable!
That evening we went to a tailgate party at the school. Hadley and Hayden went with us. Hadley wanted her face painted like a dog. 

She definitely held her own with them!
The fifth graders all painted their face to look like they had facial hair. I told the girls I actually paid money NOT to look like that!
So this is Zoe and Hadley with their faces painted.

Hayden was too busy playing to paint her face. Cole didn't want his face painted because "it just looks goofy". So far, smiling using your teeth and a painted face are on his list of things that make you look goofy.
And Macy got in on the face painting. Am I the only one who sees the humor in this picture? Zoe's giving Macy bunny ears in an attempt to make her look silly.
This rock wall was a little too tempting for a 4 year old boy. Cole kept trying to scale it. 
Unfortunately, Cole doesn't really like people all up in his business for very long. He came up to me and said, "Mom, I don't want to date Hadley anymore...she's being annoying."
He was wrong. She wasn't being annoying. It was a good evening and a fun time with friends.
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