We're finally all in Oklahoma. Brad moved everything, with the help of Dave, on Thursday.

Cole came back from Nana and Papa's too even though he didn't want to leave.

It's really weird but he loves cruising around in Hadley's walker. Bud calls it his "Rascal". The other day he pulled up to the window and said, "Uh, I'll take a macaroni and cheese", like he was at a drive through window.

He had a really good day today with the boys and wasn't crabby (much). We have 6 kids and 4 adults living here! It's working so far though!! I told Bud and Michelle that I hope they don't hate us before we even get moved into our house across the street!
We are LOVING it!!! I'm glad you'll just be across the street, or you'd seem too far away!!!