We went to Stone Canyon today to meet Zoe's new teacher.

We were glad to have our cousins there to help with our transition.

Zoe didn't seem nervous at all. She was excited and pretty confident. I just pray she feels the same way in the morning. I'm so nervous for her. I hope she finds at least one good friend.

This is her teacher, Mrs. Ham, she was nice and we've heard great things about her. Zoe thinks she will be like Miss Anderson, her 2nd grade teacher who she adores.

The third grade had a Hawaii theme that was cute.

All the adults in the building were super nice and sweet to Zoe. They really explained how things worked so she would feel more at ease.

This is a huge tree in the library. The entire building is so beautiful and amazing.

After we left the school Mark and Michelle treated us to Orange Leaf. Brewer wouldn't share his ice cream with me or his mom, only his dad!

After Orange Leaf we went to enroll Zoe in dance. She will only do ballet. It's on Thursday nights at 5:30. We start September 1st. The lady was nice to Zoe and Zoe was excited. I've gotta be honest, I almost started crying when we left there. She's definitely no Miss Charity. It's not going to be the same!
This is our new house! I took this from Mark and Michelle's driveway. Our house looks right at their house!

It's a really cute house. I can't wait to get my whole family down here and in it!
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