Sunday, September 25, 2011
Charity Visits Our New Home
Nana and Charity decided after church today that they would come to Oklahoma to visit. Charity hadn't seen our house yet and really wanted to come. We were excited to see her! I miss that girl!!!
Hayden and Zoe gave Nana all of Judd's gifts that they made and collected and Nan LOVED it. We are really ready for him to get here!
We all hung out together. We all went for a walk and played in Mark and Michelle's backyard.
It was a quick visit but a lot of fun. It made me realize we're not all that far away!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Sweet Girls
We were hanging out at the Hodge's this afternoon and the girls wanted to come over to our house to be by themselves. After about 30 minutes I came and checked on them. They had Christian music on the radio sitting at the kitchen table. I asked them what they were doing and Hayden says, "We're making coasters for Judd" (it's a little craft project with beads).
They have spent about 4 hours putting together a whole gift bag for him. They made 13 "coasters", put in a Seneca t-shirt and made the cutest pictures. They wouldn't let me take a picture of them because they're a surprise and they don't want Nana to see them. Zoe's had a peace sign because most of the pictures we get from Tawaiin, Judd is doing the peace sign. Hayden's picture had airplanes and said "I love you Judd" from Hayden Hodge. They just left to go to Hayden's house because she said she wanted to give him one of her bouncy balls so he could play with it. Seriously. How cute is that!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Missin' the Pops
Today out of nowhere Cole came in the living room and said, "Pops is going to be here soon". He said Papa told him that. Not sure where he got that from, but I responded, "Wanna go for a walk?"
Avoidance and denial may not work forever, but maybe just until I find another way to deal with it.
Best Job Ever!
I am LOVING staying at home with Cole. Today was such a great day. It may not sound like much but I just kept thinking all day how lucky I am.
First we dropped Zoe, Hayden and Bomber off at school (did I mention school doesn't start until 9:00). Then we went to the "cycle" as Cole calls it. He loves the recycling center. He gets out and puts the boxes and newspapers in the right bins.
I love having time to let him get out and do these things. I'm not in a rush constantly so I can talk to him about everything we're doing.
Then we went to the post office and he checked the mail. On the way out he held the door open for an elderly lady. We're working on being kind to strangers. Those of you who know him know he's not friendly (that's saying it politely).
We went to Wal-Mart and talked about different vegetables. We spent some time at home then I went to help Zoe's class make fossils. It's so fun to be the stay at home mom that gets to help in the classroom. At the last minute Cole decided to stay with Uncle Bud instead of going with me to Zoe's school. That may have been for the best!
What a great day!!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Awesome News!
Adjusting to Oklahoma
A lot has changed in the past month. It is nice to be in our new house. This is one of the neighbor girls that Zoe has started playing with quite a bit. Her name in Malinn. Zoe said she's like Addie King. We miss the Kings and the Beales.
We haven't found a Mallorie yet, and probably never will!
We don't have cable yet so Cole sits in our extra room and watches his Thomas the Train movies. He would probably do that anyway. I LOVE staying home with him. I still can't believe I get to, I've been wanting this job so long! I pulled a bad, stay at home mom moment though. I bought him a $15 DVD and justified it as a cheap babysitter while I got boxes unpacked and things on the wall. I guess there's still time to improve at my job!
He loves his new "big boy" bed and his room. I'm really glad.
I asked him this morning if he wanted to pee on the potty. He said no. I told him that big kids pee on the potty. He answered, "Brew is a big kid". He's got a point.
Brewer's New Cast
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
We Got Our House!
The last couple of months have been crazy. Wow, so much has changed in our lives.
Michelle and Mark moved to Owasso last December and loved it. They started trying to talk us into moving to Oklahoma with them, but I didn't think we would really do it.
We started praying about it last spring. We were really happy where we were and had no reason to move, so we decided we would only move if things fell exactly into place.
Brad called a head hunter and told her specifically want we wanted. Of course Brad had done his research and only felt comfortable with a couple of banks. He told her the salary he wanted to make so I could stay home (which she informed him that they wouldn't pay him extra so I could stay home), the bank he wanted to work for, he wanted to live in Owasso, and he needed to know before the school year started (this was in June). He said he could tell she thought he was crazy.
We didn't have very high expectations, but I kept praying that if it was meant to be we would know.
A couple of weeks into July he gets a call. They needed someone immediately at RCB, the bank he wanted most. It was in Catoosa, but we could live in Owasso which is only about 15 minutes away. He interviewed and really liked them. He found out later that it was the money we needed too.
Jake and Jessica King had been looking for a house and had 3 fall through. They were able to buy ours without us even putting out a sign. In the meantime the house across the street from my brother goes up for sale. We looked at lots of houses, but liked it best.
I was scared to death. I haven't ever ventured out of the Seneca area. I grew up there, taught there for 13 years, and thought I would die there, but I was confident this was the right thing to do. Brad asked how I was so sure. When everything falls into place exactly how you pray, you have to believe it is God. How else can you explain it?
I don't know the exact reason yet why God led us here. It may take me my whole lifetime to know for sure, but I trust God.
As much as I'm going to miss all my friends and family back home, I couldn't be more excited to live by my brother and his family. Mark and I were super close growing up and we haven't lived close in many years. Now I'm right across the street! And better yet, he's a stay at home dad. We get to stay home with our kids together.
I love it that Cole and Zoe will grow up with their cousins and that I will know Mark's kids in way I never would otherwise.
Pray for us. Pray that we will find our purpose here. Pray that our kids continue to make good friends and adjust to their new town. Pray that Brad loves his job and makes a difference in what he does.
I'm not going to lie, there have already been several times I have wondered if we did the right thing. I can't tell you how much I miss everyone, but I know God is in control.
I can't wait to move into our new house tomorrow. It is so beautiful.
It has four bedrooms and a 3 car garage.
It has pretty "extras" and big closets.
I love the cabinets in the bathroom and kitchen and the cubbies in the laundry room.
It also has a gas fireplace.
But this is my favorite part of the whole house. The view from our front window! Yes, that's my brother's house!
It's got a big pantry and a gas stove.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Quick Visit to Seneca
Tuesday I dropped Zoe, Hayden, and Bomber off at school and Cole and I headed to Seneca. Cole was really excited to see Nan and Pops and they were just as excited to see him.
Pops (that's what Cole's started calling him) and Cole spent the whole day together reading and playing. I think Pops is his best friend.
Mom has been busy working on Judd's room. Hopefully he'll be here in a couple of months. Tiffany and Tina have been helping. Tina painted these cute airplanes on his wall. She's not quite finished. They're painting Judd's name on the yellow flag. It's going to be really cute.
She moved Charity's room down by the living room. It is adorable. It looks like a dorm room. 

Cole's been adjusting much better lately. He's been having fun with his cousins here in Owasso. I still think his favorite place is Nan and Pops' house though. It was a little better this time. When it was time to leave I had to chase him down the street and he said he wasn't leaving, but once I caught him he didn't cry. He was asleep before we got out of Seneca.
I had so much fun visiting with Mom and Dad and Tiffany and Tina. I was especially excited that Steph got to come and share pictures and stories about her trip to Africa. I wish I could have been there with her. What a trip! I miss her so much and love her to death.
Mom sent home food for us including homemade pound cake. It was so good! I shared some with Hads and now I am officially her favorite person. Give me a few more months hanging out with her and I'll chub her up!
Of course Charity had to send something too, so she sent pop tarts. They were a huge hit this morning. All the kids had one and thought it was quite the treat. Thanks Char!
The white cabinet is her closet. Cute huh?
I picked Char up from school. She was excited to see me, but immediately asked "Where's Cole?" They hung out in her new room and played outside too.
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