Zoe and I were both a lot more comfortable at Stone Canyon this year. I had no problem sending her today (except for the fact I'll miss her). 
Hayden and Bomber both wanted to ride the bus. I was sad about it. I love being like Dog the Bounty Hunter, where I give them an inspirational talk and prayer before I send them out of the car. I also wanted to walk Bomber into school and take pictures. He was already annoyed with all the pictures this morning, so I doubt he would have like it.
Bud did a great job taking pictures, but then didn't go out with them to take pictures getting on the bus because he didn't want to embarrass them. I really wanted pictures though. I told them I would hide up by the bushes and nobody would see me. They agreed. I was snapping pictures from a safe (so I thought) distance with Michelle's big camera, but as they stepped on the bus the driver says, "Turn around and wave bye to your mommy." The look on Hayden's face was hilarious. She gritted her teeth and glared at me as she waved bye. Oops. Hope I didn't ruin their rep on the first day.
Zoe let me take her to school. She even yelled, "I love you" as she was getting out of the car.
We always have to take a picture from the back for Nana. She loves Zoe's booty!
Cole had to pack himself a lunch too and he was a little mad that he didn't get to stay and play on the playground.
You really can't tell from this picture, but it was crazy crowded. Apparently I wasn't the only one who wanted to take their kids on the first day. Maybe Bud had the right idea.

I took this video last night of Cole talking about Zoe going to school. Warning: It's 3 minutes long and I can only think of a handful of people who will actually enjoy watching.
I love Zoe's booty, too!!! I LOVE the Dog The Bounty Hunter comparison. There are moments where you're every bit as quirky as your brother... in different ways, but still. I haven't watched the video yet, but I plan to. Thanks for hiding in the bushes for me!!!