I should have posted this last month, but better late than never.
Zoe went to her first Oklahoma State football game with her dad, Uncle Mick, Lance, Uncle Blake, and Papa.
They all seemed to really love it.
While the boys and Zoe were at the game, Paula, Sydney, Cole, and I had our own fun.
We ate out and went to the zoo.
These two little blondies were cracking us up all day.
It was a really beautiful day, even though it was the middle of November.
Paula said that one of the chimpanzees reminded her of Mick because he was silly and loved to wrestle the little ones.
Sydney and Cole thought this was funny.

Then Cole continued to call him Uncle Mick!

A few days later we were lucky enough to see the Wards again at Thanksgiving in Ramona, OK. Cole and Sydney had become pretty good buddies!

And of course Zoe thinks Syd is the cutest thing ever!

We really enjoyed hanging out on Uncle Eddie and Aunt Dorthy's farm.

It's fun to play there and hang out with all the cousins.
And I am extremely lucky to have such amazing sister in laws. I love every one of them and have such a great time with them.

Can't wait to see the crew again tomorrow for Christmas Eve!