We had a fun evening playing at our new friends' house. Zoe's friend Macy invited us for some Halloween fun at her house tonight.

Macy has 2 sisters and a brother. They all invited a friend over for fun Halloween treats. We got there a little after 5 and ended up staying until after 11. Late night for the Wards!

Mason is just a couple of months older than Cole. They got along really well (until Cole got tired then Brad took him on home).

Macy's mom,
Krissi, made mummy
hotdogs and the best chicken nachos.

I didn't get a lot of pictures of their house, but it is beautiful.

Then the kids decorated spooky spider cupcakes.

This is Mallorie. She's in first grade.

It's such a relief to see Zoe having fun and being a total goofball. She does seem relaxed and happy.

The blonde is Macy's 5th grade sister, Madolyn. Her friend, Gabriel, is our neighbor.
Zoe and Cole enjoyed playing with all their toys. 
I love this balance bike that Mason had. I'm thinking it would make a great Christmas or birthday present for Cole.

Before we left we enjoyed messy, but yummy, caramel apples.

This is Madolyn holding her apple. It was funny because I saw how hard Krissi worked at getting that stick in the apple. Might've been a good idea to hold it by that stick!

Zoe said good-bye to the crazy witch on the front porch and we headed home.

We had a great time!
That does look like a fun party and a beautiful house! Zoe looks so GROWNUP! She has gorgeous teeth. For real. Her smile looks so pretty!