This was a little devotion I did for Judd's shower. Mom wanted a copy of it. The shower was so much fun and the generosity of everyone was overwhelming.

The bible says that God loved us even when we were still in our mother's womb. Even before we knew He existed He already loved us. He is preparing a place for us and it is in Him. He will go to great lengths to get us and the price He paid is a huge one.
Proverbs 3:5 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
It is obvious to everyone that Mom and Dad are not 'leaning on their own understanding' when they made the decision to adopt Judd. As my dad would tell you, it's not logical.
But neither was Justin
or Blake
or Charity
and because of my parents they are promised hope. Hope in eternal life, hope in a family that will love them no matter what.
Because Mom and Dad are trusting God, we get this amazing gift

Half blind, "energetic" (as the orphanage puts it), can't speak English, completely illogical...GIFT.
Please pray for Judd. Pray that he won't be scared. That his heart will be prepared to come to America and live with Mom, Dad, Charity, and Blake.
Thank you God for the example my mom and dad are to others. Thank you that they Trust You, Lord.
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