Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cole's Not Himself

Cole started running a fever yesterday afternoon. I should have guessed something was wrong because he hasn't been his full self lately.  Most kids get irritable and cranky when they're sick, Cole actually seems nicer and calmer.  He's earned more stickers on his kindness chart the last couple of days than he has in a week.  

 As long as he has medicine in him he seems pretty good. Last night, around 4:00 am, he came in our room and his fever was back.  I gave him some medicine and put him in bed with us.  He was sweetly talking to me.  He said, "I don't want the fevers and hurts at my house."  Then he asked if Nana was sleeping.  He wanted her (instead of me at one point).
Then he asked if Brewer could come over and play trains (he doesn't ask for Brewer very much).  I told him Brewer was sleeping too.  Then he said, "Brewer is always nice."  I asked if he was always nice to Brewer and he answered, "Sometimes I'm mad with him."  I asked him why and he said, "I don't know."
He woke up this morning feeling a little better and he still wants Brewer to come over.  Maybe being sick makes you appreciate the people who are the nicest to you!

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