Saturday, February 25, 2012

I love N.Y., But You... Not So Much

I told my teaching buddy, Dees, at the beginning of this school year that I was having trouble finding curriculum to support my objectives for my student.  Objective #1:  The student will pee and poop on the pot.  Objective #2:  The student will not be a jerk to strangers (or any of us for that matter).
Bribery seemed to work for potty training.  He earned stickers and got a new train when he filled up a chart.  He figured out how to push pee out just to earn a sticker.  He also knew he got five stickers for poopy so he tried to force out some poop if he wanted to get a train quicker.  Whatever, it worked and now he's potty trained. So now I'm trying a Kindness Chart.  He earns stickers if he can just be nice to people.  
It takes a lot longer to fill up a kindness chart.  He had a rough day yesterday and last night he told me, "I'm sorry I was mean."  Poor guy.  There are some days when it takes all he has to be nice.

One day I was bragging on how nice he had been that day and he looked up at me with a guilty, little face and admitted, "Did you hear me say stupid real quiet?"  My sister-in-law, Michelle says it's perfectly fine to think 'stupid' in your head.  Ha!  I guess I have to pick my battles!

He's wants to wear this I love N.Y. shirt that Aunt Shell brought him from New York everyday now.  

He had it on yesterday over at their house and was a little crabby.  My brother said we should write on the back of his shirt.  "But you, not so much."  

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