Zoe and Charity took some oats and sprinkled them in the front yard for the reindeer.
We also left cookies and milk for Santa.
Then I read to them about the first Christmas from Luke.
Charity was the first one awake this morning and eager to see if Santa made it. They got lots of great stuff. So did Brad and I. Zoe bought us gifts with her own money. I got cute pajama pants and Brad got an iTunes gift card and we both got our favorite candy. She is such a sweetie.
Zoe got lots of different gift cards, and some accessories.
Cole got a new bike, but could care less about it. He loved the Thomas toys much better.Charity got some LalaLoopsy things and other fun stuff.
It was a beautiful day and the kids even played outside this afternoon.
I wanted to get a picture of Cole on his new balance bike. I said, "Look at me, Cole", so he kept closing his eyes. Ornery!
For lunch I made Taco Cups and a Guacamole Tree. They were really good.
Cole got creative and made his own artistic meal.
Charity loved the meal and said I needed to give her mom the recipe. I thought she was talking about the taco cups I was so proud of, but instead she meant the side of refried beans (that I took out of the can and microwaved).
We've had a nice, relaxing day and you may call us a scrooge, but we've (and by we, I mean Brad) already have all our Christmas stuff put away!
Charity looks like she is having so much fun. I snorted trying to tell Micah about her wanting to give Merl the refried beans recipe! Ha! I wanted to get all my Christmas decorations put away but we watched Harry Potter instead! Love you!