We went to Blake's wrestling match Saturday morning.

Cole hung out with Papa most of the time. He lasted for a couple of hours then wanted to go to Nana's house and stay "5 days and a month". Brad took him and Charity to Mom's and Zoe and I stayed and watched Blake.

This is his first year wrestling. He's a 7th grader. He lost a couple in overtime and won a match. It was so exciting and also totally nerve-racking.

Coach Fortner is really good with him. Zoe was excited to see Coach too. She gave him a big hug.

I'm really glad we got a chance to watch him. Great job Blake!
Yay!!! I'm so glad you posted these photos. While I'm bummed I haven't gotten to see Blake wrestle yet, I'm not sure my nerves can take it. I'm serious.