Reindeer Rock was a party put on by the Stone Canyon Student Council. It was for grades 3-5 after school.

They played a relay race game where they had to unwrap Hershey kisses with mittens on, eat them and tag the next person. It was funny to see them all chanting each others' names and cheering on their teammates.Mrs. Ham's class didn't win the relay race, but it didn't seem to matter. This is Mrs. Ham with Zoe.
They also did a lot of dancing. Even the teachers got out there and danced. Made me miss Vanwagner. I know she would have danced with me!
They had a giant "snowball" fight with paper. It was girls against boys. It was hard to tell who won because the boys cheated (according to all the girls).
That's the principal, Mr. Holderman, taking pictures with his ipad. He was out there dancing too. I asked Zoe if she thought Mrs. Barnes would have danced. She just giggled.
Her and Macy seemed to have fun dancing.
Then we found our neighbor, Malynn, and she joined in!
These are a couple of the teachers. Mrs. Loving is on the right and Mrs. Adams is on the left. She is from Wyandotte and teaches 3rd grade.
After the Reindeer Rock party, our Relay for Life team hosted a Drop and Shop. We stayed until 9:00 and played some more. Zoe was at school Friday for over 12 hours! Glad she likes it!
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