This was Zoe, her first day at Stone Canyon Elementary. We were living with Mark and Michelle. Brad and Cole were still in Seneca. I was really nervous. I was so used to being with her at school because I always taught in her building. I knew exactly what was going on and wasn't far away. She didn't know anyone here. It was one of the longest days of my life as I waited to pick her up and find out how her day went. She seemed to like it and that night as we got ready to go to sleep in Hayden's room, she told me I didn't need to worry, she was fine. What a strong little girl. I asked her today how she felt that first day and she responded with one word, "Friendless". I asked what she meant and she said, "I didn't know anybody." 
Thank goodness, it didn't take her long to make friends. She said her first friend was Alejandra. She can't remember exactly when her and Macy became friends. She said one day they sat by each other at lunch and then they started to play together. Now they are great friends and already have big plans to spend a lot of time together this summer. In fact, Macy's spending the night tonight and then we're going to their neighborhood pool to swim tomorrow.
She was so excited on the last of day of school. She wore her tie dye shirt she had made the day before at her AR party. They had a fun day planned at school with blow ups and dodgeball tournaments.
Some new things she learned this year were cursive handwriting, multiplication, and division.
I made cookies to celebrate and also did a great song and dance, which I'm sorry to say I didn't capture on video. Then she played in the water with Cole and enjoyed the sun.
Some of the things she's looking forward to this summer are "Our vacation, not having to go to bed early, and getting to spend the night with friends." She was really living it up last night. She looked at the clock and yelled, "It's 9:02, but I don't even care, I can stay up as late as I want!" Her normal school bedtime is 9:00. She's my crazy girl!
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