Mia came home with us Saturday and spent the night. I love hearing her and Zoe talk. They talked all the way home to Owasso. At one point Brad asked if they needed to take a breath. 
It was so cute because Mia was impressed with the Tulsa skyline and even Owasso. She loved our house and complimented many things about it. She's like a little adult. So sweet.Zoe was excited to show Mia her school and luckily we go to church at Zoe's school.
Zoe showed her around. Mia always seems sincerely interested in Zoe's life. I love it.
We have to take down the stage and all of our church stuff every week. This is after most of it is down.
I gave the girls a choice between the aquarium and the mall and they chose the mall. Zoe had some Christmas money and they decided to make a Best Friend Bunny at BuildABear.
They planned it all out very carefully. They gave the bunny two hearts.
Then they worked together to give it a bath and pick out her clothes. It took a long time to decide on the clothes since they had a limited amount of money. 
Then they named the bunny. They briefly considered Helen Keller. Dees and Miss Anderson probably remember their extensive research on Helen Keller last year. Anyway, they finally decided on Hope Zia Ehrhward. The middle and last names are a combo of their names.
They decided to share the best friend bunny. Zoe has her right now and is journaling their experiences (like Buddy Bear from preschool). Mia will get the bunny in a couple of weeks.
We went to a couple of other stores and ate some ice cream. I had a blast with them.
We miss Mia already. I'm so glad she came to visit!
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