And he wasn't. He was much more confident.
His game still needs some improvement, but he was having fun and didn't cling to his dad.
He let me tuck in his shirt this time so he didn't look quite so shrimpy.
He hit the ball better this time, but for some reason kept running to third. Coach Bobby would just scoop him up and point him in the right direction.
He loves Coach Bobby and talks about him a lot.
A couple of times he threw the ball and if it didn't go far enough he just went over and kicked it toward the first baseman. I guess that would be easier than bending over again to pick it up.
He's still getting used to his glove. It took him quite a while to pick up the ball and tag first base. He'll get it though.
They have a dad on every base and they are all so sweet with the boys. I love to watch Cole give them high fives and talk to them while he's waiting to run to the next base.
Cole enjoyed picking flowers while he was waiting in the outfield. When it was his turn to be the pitcher or hit he would have Coach Bobby hold his flowers. When he was finished Bobby would give him back his flowers.
This is Easton. He's Liz and Bobby's youngest. Look how adorable he is!! He slept through all the loudness of the game. Liz said he's used to noise!
Our whole family made fun of Liz because she was dressed for winter in her hoodie. We look over at one point during the game and Zoe was putting the case of the chair on her legs to keep warm. Maybe Liz had the right idea!
After one of the innings Cole put on his own hat...sideways. I guess he was rallying.
At the end of the game I think he got a little tired. He's relaxing on Coach Bobby on the pitcher's mound.
The dad on first base is Josh. He's the youth minister at our church and all the kids LOVE him. He's a really good guy and great with kids!
After the game we had cupcakes to celebrate Coach Bobby's birthday. I'm so glad we've met so many amazing people.
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