It drove me crazy not being there for all the excitement. I could just imagine being there at the school and everyone going crazy asking her questions and dying to see her brother. She's the sweetest little girl and I bet her class was happy to have her back.
I heard all about it from Steph last night and Mrs. Rea posted great pictures on her class blog, I stole all these pictures from her there! Taya brought all kinds of things to show them. She even had a powerpoint presentation on the smartboard and read from her journal. Pretty impressive for a kindergartener!
Steph brought snacks back from Taiwan for the class. I think Judd was the only one who liked the cookies (which are more like crackers). Looks like Tripp is enjoying a snack with his daddy too!
Steph said she tried to teach the kids the 3 words they learned while in Taiwan. She asked Judd to help her and apparently he was laughing hysterically as she said them. She said she's not sure what she was actually saying, but it was funny.
You can tell Judd is almost as proud as Taya. I think it is so awesome that Judd and Tripp will always have each other. Even though Tripp will never remember his time at the orphanage, Judd most likely will and maybe he can tell him about it. I'm so glad they have each other.
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